God's Laws
What has struck me as Christian is how our elite have so
cleverly and clandestinely redefined 'truth' so differently
from the Judeo-Christian values upon which America and our
Constitution was originally based. Our Founding Fathers
understood that man was bound by a contract with God and
that as long as he obeyed that contract, Americans could,
indeed they would naturally then live as a free people.
There would be no need for a police state to enforce contracts
since men were obliged to obey God's order which was to
tell the truth - to live up to the terms of your contract.
And so Americans were free and with that freedom came economic
freedom and with economic freedom came creativity and a
magnificent standard of living. Never before in history
had mankind ever been so free and so prosperous. But now,
as that contract with God is increasingly broken by Americans,
as surely as night follows day, America is losing its freedom
and that is having dire consequences for our economic well
being as well.
I could go on and on with examples of how breaking the 10
Commandments leads to man's inhumanity to man. And I could
explain how those hurtful acts lead government to act in
a most parasitic manner in taking more of our national income
for non-productive activities. Not only that, but our government
is constantly passing more laws and policing more of its
citizens in a manner that is destroying freedom and creativity.
Yet we should understand that government's action is a reaction
to the injuries caused by Americans toward one another as
increasing numbers of our people ignore the covenant between
God and man which to the extent obeyed means treating one
another honestly and fairly.
"At the heart of every
problem, is a problem with the heart"-
Warren Weirsbe
"The heart is deceitful above all
things and desperately wicked" Jeremiah 17:9
Psychology of Sheep
One of the hardest things in the world for most people to
do is to admit that they are wrong. Another very difficult
thing, for most people, is to come to the conclusion that
everything they have been taught about a topic is uncertain
and may very well be incorrect.
Why is this? According to the secular way of thinking ,isn't
man the "rational animal"? After all, the name of our species
is "Homo sapiens" (wise human).
Yes, but unfortunately most people do not make decisions
in a rational manner. They follow what "other people" think,
what "leaders" tell them to think, or use some other similar
means of avoiding responsibility for their own decisions.
Of course, it is actually impossible to avoid responsibility
in this way, because even following someone else's lead
requires one to decide exactly whom to follow, and there's
no reason to believe that is an easier decision than thinking
for oneself about the issues. But it is an extremely popular
approach nonetheless.
You see, thinking for yourself is hard. It requires acquiring
facts, organizing them into a rational pattern, and taking
responsibility for the results. It's much easier just to
follow along with what "everyone else" thinks... much like
a herd of sheep following a shepherd.
However, this easy, unconscious following of the rest of
the herd can be disrupted by "troublemakers" who try to
get people to analyze a problem rationally. Once you start
thinking for yourself, there's no telling where you will
wind up. So the simplest and safest solution is just to
avoid any independent thinking whatsoever.
"Willing ignorance breeds
deception" - Karen McMahon
Payday Someday
When will the laws of nature catch up with the lies
and distortions caused by growing interventionist policies
of America, a country that once stood for freedom and
free markets? Only God truly knows and quite frankly,
from a Christian theological perspective I believe God
our Creator has already determined the date when America
is set to face some very stark realties attached to
our national violation of His laws, among which are
those natural laws of economics that the Keynesian proponents
of socialism are, for whatever motive, increasingly
Jay Taylor -
Monkey Magic
The divine wrath is slow indeed in vengeance, but it
makes up for its tardiness by the severity of the punishment.
Valerious Maximus
Be not deceived; God is not
mocked: For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also
reap. Galatians 6:7
The Majority - Blind Investors
Gold will carry on being a good investment, but in reality
it's only use is that of a currency and the problem
here is convincing all the blind to accept it as currency.
To convince the blind that Gold is a currency is more
than just a monumentous task; it is task that is almost
impossible. Blind people do not get sight miraculously.
They have to want to see and for the near foreseeable
future they have no desire whatsoever to find the light.
To make matters worse, they don't think they are in
Sol Palha -
The Average Joes Perceptions of Gold and the Dow
"Luck favors the trained
observer" -
Rick Rule, Global Inv. Resources
Gold Represents Truth!!!
represents economic truth, and those who oppose gold
oppose economic truth - which by definition turns them
into economic liars.
is bed-rock value. Gold is the ultimate form of payment
for debts. Gold cannot be "created" or faked in any
way. Gold must be slowly, often painfully, and always
expensively, extracted from the ground where God put
it. It must be processed, melted, poured or otherwise
shaped into convenient forms, stored, and paid for with
real labor. It is accepted by virtually anyone in payment
for virtually anything. And now it can even be transferred
who oppose the functional truth of gold must by definition
rely on deception to achieve their goals. They must
create in you the false belief that gold has now been
"overcome", that gold is a "barbarous relic," that it
has no relevance in an advanced society ("advanced"
in what direction, one should ask?).
To accomplish
this with respect to you, an individual, these forces
must create the illusion in you that other people no
longer value gold - and they must repeat that same process
with every other market participant in order for the
illusion to be effective.
process therefore requires an enormous amount of energy,
planning, marshalling of precious resources, and it
requires the application of sheer political and economic
force. Can you imagine the amount of productive capacity
that is laid to waste each and every year - just to
keep up this illusion that paper dollars are "as good
as gold"?
does that illusion need to be kept up? Because the paper
dollar, functioning as the sole reserve currency of
the world, conveys upon its producers (the US governing
elites) an enormous, theretofore unknown power: the
power to simply print an entire country's payment requirements
for imports of real goods from abroad. Goods from other
countries, who had to produce them by the sweat of their
people's brows.
Alex Wallenwein -
"Be sure your sin
will find you out" - Numbers
You have some very simple choices to
make, the dollar will probably stage some technical
rally shortly however this is just short term, there
is no long-term strength left in the dollar.
You can either start investing in other
currencies or do the best and safest thing buy Gold
and Silver bullion on every decent pull back as
these are the only sure ways of safe guarding your self.
Playing the currency game can be profitable, we provide
a free newsletter service where we monitor the currency
markets and the Gold markets carefully. However we are
more bullish on Gold and Silver bullion than any other
paper currency in the world.
Take heed its time to protect your self
now. Waiting and doing nothing will simply result in
your driving yourself deeper into the hole of financial
poverty. As it is the dollar has already lost approximately
30% of its former value, 30% is not a joke.
If you want to know the true significance
of what has happened, imagine how you would feel if
your boss suddenly told you that he was going to cut
your pay by 30%, you would not feel to happy right.
Well wake up, your pay has already been cut,
you are just not aware of it, welcome to the insidious
world of inflation and the only measure of protection
against this plague generated by the central bankers
are Gold and Silver Bullion. Wake up and smell
the coffee now or remain in the comatose state of
Not So Almighty Dying Dollar
The wise are
instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the
stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct...Marcus
Tullius Cicero, statesman, orator and writer (106-43
Its not what you don't know that will screw you up,
it's what you know that is wrong. The spin you hear
from the mainstream media is intended to mislead you.
Open your eyes and face the future. If you leave your
head in the sand and ignore it, you are only leaving
your butt exposed for the world to kick. This all may
sound like gloom and doom, but when you get a handle
on what is going to happen, you will have a future filled
with opportunity. Fortune favors the Informed.
Kenneth Parsons -
The Nature of Money
pledge allegiance
"Luck favors the trained
observer" -
Rick Rule, Global Inv. Resources
This was excerpted
from a Morningstar interview with Warren Buffett in
"I had a question about the silver
purchase last year. When you announced it, you said
that the supply and demand fundamentals would be established
at a higher price. What are the fundamentals?
Buffett: We have no inside information
about great new uses for silver or anything of the sort.
You can see from looking at the numbers that aggregate
demand, primarily from investor and fundamental type
uses, is close to 800 million-plus ounces a year, and
there are 500 million or so ounces of silver being produced
annually, although there will be more coming on in the
next couple years. Most of that silver is produced as
a by-product in the mining for copper, lead or zinc.
Since it's a by-product, it's not very responsive to
price changes.
There's been a gap in recent years
of perhaps 150 million ounces, which has been filled
by inventory bullion above ground, which may have been
a billion or two or more ounces a few years back. There's
no question that the bullion inventory has been depleted
significantly. Which means that the present price for
silver does not produce an equilibrium between supply,
as measured by newly-mined silver plus reclaimed silver.
And eventually, something will
happen to change that. I figure it could be reduced
usage, increased supply, or change in price.
That imbalance is significant,
even though there is some production coming on and some
digital imaging that will use silver that is targeted.
We think that the gap is wide enough so that it will
continue to deplete bullion inventories to the point
where a new price is able to establish equilibrium.
We don't think that price change
will necessarily be minor."
So here you have it. The worlds
most successful investor bought 129 million ounces of
silver because he sees the price change of silver
will not be minor! Seeing that there is no reduced
usage or increased supply in silver the last few years
the only choice left is a change in price and the worlds
smartest investor does not see that price change to
be a minor one!
I urge you to study this silver
situation as intently as you can, and if you haven't
done so, then get a move on, as I sense things could
get interesting in a hurry. When we all, hopefully,
have the luxury to look back at what happened, there
will be only two important questions; did you have silver?
And did you have enough silver?
opportunities are not seen with your eyes. They are
seen with your mind. Most people never get wealthy simply
because they are not trained financially to recognize
opportunities right in front of them.” -
Robert T. Kiyosaki - Rich Dad/Poor Dad.
Q: Why did you create this website?
A: I've been studying and discussing the silver market
for years and wanted to share what I've
learned with my friends and family. You
should certainly approach the ideas presented
here with an open mind and use what I write
as a guide to discovery. Remember that there
nearly no downside to owning physical silver
(due to it's inability to go to a value
of zero like the U.S. dollar) and a significant
potential for gain in the coming years.
Q: I read that Warren Buffet purchased large
amounts of silver in 1997. Why did he buy
and why?
A: It's well known that Warren Buffet is a shrewd investor
who seeks excellent long term investments.
From July 1997 to January of 1998, Berkshire
Hathaway took delivery of 129.7 million
ounces of physical silver. During this period
of accumulation the price moved from around
$4.50 to $7.00 / oz. Shortly thereafter,
the price of silver fell back to $5.00 /
If one investor in 1997 caused the price of silver to increase
in value so dramatically, imagine the potential
price gains a few large investors (or countless
small investors) could cause. Rumors at
the time were that Mr. Buffet was actually
prevented from buying more silver when the
U.S. government demanded that he halt further
silver purchases.
CLICK HERE to read the press release regarding
the Berkshire Hathaway silver purchase.
Q: Isn't gold more valuable? Why should I buy silver instead?
A: The saying is, "Smart money is buying gold. But the
REALLY smart money is buying silver." Gold
is certainly a good investment and it's
certainly better than holding worthless
(fiat) currency. For example, it's much
easier for $6.00 silver to double in value
than a $400 gold. If you wish, buy gold,
platinum or palladium. They are all still
precious metals and their value will never
go to zero. But I urge you to keep in mind
that Warren Buffet bought silver, not gold.
Q: What is this 'fiat' currency your mention?
A: Fiat currency
is an arbitrary (fiat) process where banks
make legal tender using laws created by
politicians, with whom they have colluded,
to enforce it's use. It is said to have
no intrinsic value because it takes little
work to create it and because it is not
linked to silver or gold reserves. There
is no limit as to how much fiat currency
can be created. As history has shown since
the Roman Empire, it always inflates and
becomes worthless over time.
Q: Where should I store my physical precious
A: I once heard
of a woman storing her gold coins in a jar
of peanut butter in her fridge. That would
make one expensive peanut butter sandwich!
Multiple sturdy, immovable safes in various
locations would probably be a good idea.
Q: What's this I hear about the price ratio of silver to
A: Historically silver has traded at a price ratio of 10:1,
reflective of the relative ratios of silver
to gold found in the earth. Currently, at
$8.00 / oz., silver is priced at a ratio
of about 52:1. It once even traded at a
ratio of 80:1. One could assume that silver
may increase in value to align more with
historical price ratios. To determine this
ratio divide the spot price of gold by the
spot price of silver. See the charts directly
![[Most Recent Quotes from www.kitco.com]](http://kitconet.com/charts/metals/gold/t24_au_en_usoz_2.gif)
Q: Someone told me that in 1980 a $1000 face bag of 90%
silver coins could buy a house. Is this
A: Yes and no. A bag of junk silver coins (about 720 ounces)
could be sold for $30,000-$32,000 when an
ounce of silver was valued at $45 / oz.
Keep in mind the U.S. dollar has lost much
more of it's value compared to 1980s dollars.
Anyway, in some areas of the country you
actually could have purchased a modest house
for that price. I suspect that in the future,
the price of silver will increase and the
value of homes will decline.
Q: I read online that the U.S. Mint needs
to buy silver on the open market to mint
their silver eagles. Was this website correct?
A: Many sources have reported that nearly all U.S. Government,
above ground silver reserves have been depleted.
Q: What type of silver should I buy?
A: You should purchase bulk silver in 10 oz. or 100 oz.
bars. Or you should buy a bag of pre-1965
quarters or dimes with a face value of $1000
per bag. Each coin is 90% silver and each
bag contains 712-720 ounces of real silver,
depending on the wear of the coins contained
Q: How liquid is bulk silver and will a coin dealer buy
it back from me?
A: It's easily convertible to cash. Almost any coin dealer
will be eager to give you fiat currency
so he can resell it. When purchasing silver,
be sure to deal with a reputable coin dealer
who has been in business for a long time.
Q: Does it matter in what form I purchase
my bulk silver? Is one form or another worth
A: Collectible coins will always be sold at a premium by
a coin dealer. You generally want to receive
as much silver as possible for your dollar.
Therefore, you should ask for bulk silver
in 10 oz., 100 oz., or $1000 face value
'bags' of pre-1965 coins. Just make sure
you are buying from a reputable dealer who
has been in business for a long time.
Q: I've read that investment demand (like from Warren Buffet)
will drive up the price of silver more
rapidly. Is this true?
A: Probably. Recently most sources have attributed the
increase in silver prices to the decline
of the value of the U.S. Dollar. Once investment
demand increases drastically, expect a rapid
jump in silver prices. Due to the current
bull market after a 20 year bear market,
demand recently is outpacing supply. It
is getting more difficult for dealers to
even find silver to sell. Buy now because
once the price starts to move, it will be
likely that you find it difficult to even
buy silver at any price.
Q: I understand that Bill Gates owns a silver
mine. Which one?
A: He owns 10% of Pan American Silver (symbol: PAAS)
Q: Can't silver and gold be confiscated
by our government?
A: In 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt issued an executive order
to confiscate gold, thus making it illegal
for U.S. citizens to own gold. He ordered
private citizens holding gold to exchange
it for worthless paper notes. A similar
executive order could be issued again for
gold in the future but it's not likely.
Regardless, silver would most likely not
be included because it may be needed for
Q: Is a bank safety deposit box is the safest place to
store my silver?
A: First, silver is probably too bulky to store in small
safety deposit boxes. Second, it's safe
as long as that bank does not go out of
business. If they do, the contents of every
safety deposit box is liable to confiscation.
Gold coins are more easily stored in this
manner due to their small size.
Q: How would a bank go out of business?
A: Banks engage in fractional reserve banking. They typically
are reported to have cash reserves of a
ratio of 10:1. What could happen when too
many customers demand their savings in cash?
Just look at the Great Depression as an
example. Something similar could happen
again. Cars, and homes can't be sold easily
to put food in your mouth. Silver can. Even
stocks may be worth little in chaotic financial
times. How would you value a stock when
the dollar collapses?
Q: I once heard that there are no capital
gains taxes on silver and gold. Is this
A: I strongly recommend that you do your own research on
the matter of taxation. Taxes, where required,
should always be paid to the U.S. Government.
Having written that, once you take your cash out of the
system and purchase physical silver where
is that purchase recorded? Let's say you
buy a $1000 face value bag of old silver
coins (pre-1965 dimes, quarters and half-dollars).
When the silver 'melt' value of that $1000
face value bag increases, how can the added
value be taxed? Keep in mind that if you
sell your physical silver to a coin dealer
you would probably be given fiat currency
in exchange. Why then should you promptly
deliver that paper currency to a bank and
return your currency to the fractional-reserve
banking system you initially shunned by
obtaining physical silver?
Of course, when the U.S. Dollar collapses, as every fiat
currency in the history of the world has,
silver coins will be probably be the currency
of choice. So this question will be entirely
Q: I've asked my investment professional about silver and
gold and he told me that it's not a good
A: In 1970 if I had told you that the price of gold would
reach $850 / oz. in 1980, after trading
at $35 / oz. since 1933, would you have
believed me? Or that in 1970 when silver
was below $2 an ounce that in 10 years it
would be over $40? Probably not. Many believe
that the price can only increase due to
supply versus demand. Do your own research!
Q: So investment demand will drive up the price of silver.
A: Yes, most definately! Recently the increase in silver
prices has been mostly attributed to the
decline of the U.S. Dollar. Once investment
demand increases, expect an rapid jump in
silver prices.
Q: I understand that a silver dollar used to pay a day's
wages. Is this true?
A: Correct. However, this was before the Federal Reserve
was given a license to print fiat currency
at will. Currently a worker receives fiat
currency for a hard day's work. Wouldn't
it be more beneficial for that man to receive
something of real value for dollar, something
of true wealth?
Q: How much value has the dollar lost?
A: Since 1913 (the year of the Federal Reserve creation),
the U.S. dollar has lost about 98% of it's
value. Blame this on constant, unchecked
inflationary practices.
Q: How will I know when the silver bull
market is over?
A: You'll want to start selling your physical silver and
stocks when the average cocktail party conversation
turns to a discussion about silver and gold
and mining company stocks!
Personal observations lead one
to ask: why is the smart money investing in safe assets
like gold and silver?
Questions to Ponder
If Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and George and Paul Soros are
invested in silver, shouldn't you ask why?
Why would four billionaires invest in silver if they thought
there was no real value or chance for a substantial return
on their investment?
Do billionaires like the above mentioned get to be where
they are by making foolish investments?
If there was plenty of silver around, why would Warren Buffet
buy 129 million ounces, which was over half of the known
world supply at the time of purchase?
Why couldn’t they find enough silver to make a full delivery
if there is not a worldwide shortage?
If CPM Group and Gold Field Mineral Service, two independent
mining metals survey entities, state that we are using much
more silver and gold than are mined and warn of real shortages
very soon, how much longer will it be before the prices
jump drastically?
If some retailers are having trouble obtaining silver in
bars and coins, how much longer will it be before it affects
the whole industry and the price moves drastically higher?
If history shows the stock market's decline will continue
to much lower levels, where will the smart investment capital
flow to protect declining assets?
If George Soros made hundreds of millions correctly calling
the decline of the British Pound and is now calling the
decline of the Dollar, what will that do to the price of
gold, knowing that gold moves in inverse correlation to
the Dollar?
If God’s ways are always right, and we know they are, how
much longer will it be before He judges our unjust fiat
money system which encourages millions of Americans to go
into debt?
If gold
and silver is God's money system and fiat dollars is mans
cheap imitation, which one
will collapse and which will remain and flourish?
Decision by Indecision
The failure to make a decision,
constitutes a decision in and of itself.
absorbing the wealth of information presented on this site,
you must make a decision. You must choose whether to believe
in the truth of gold and silver as God's only established
form of money or to trust in a fiat paper money system of
unjust weights and measures. Either way you choose, it will
affect you financially.
A wise man will hear, and will
increase learning; and a man of understanding shall
attain unto wise counsels -- Proverbs 1:5
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom,
and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise
of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and
the gain thereof than fine gold.--Proverbs 3:13-14
Wisdom is the principal thing;
therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.--Proverbs
Take fast hold of instruction;
let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.
--Proverbs 4:13
heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear
of the wise seeketh knowledge.-
Proverbs 18:15
counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be
wise in thy latter end. --
Proverbs 19:20
prudent man forseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but
the simple pass on, and are punished. --
Proverbs 22:3