As an
individual who seeks out truth, as anyone that seeks out
truth, we discover some amazing facts along the way that
enlightens our understanding of life and how things work
(Luke 11:9,10).
Our stock market goes in cycles or seasons and
we are entering a very cold winter
In the 1930’s, Stalin commissioned an economist named Kondratieff
to study the American capitalistic system, not to know how
it worked, but for him through his analysis prove that it
was doomed for failure. After much studying the history
of our free markets he found that a free market goes in
cycles of booms and busts but doesn’t collapse. His analysis
and discovery of this truth was presented to Stalin, which
landed him in prison where he died. I guess those who don’t
like truth, like the Pharisees in the time of the Lord Jesus
or tyrants like Stalin or the liberals of today, will discredit
or eliminate those who embrace and promote truth.
Here are four articles that explain how our markets go thru
booms and busts like seasons and how we are now entering
what is known as the Kondratieff winter. This season is
known for crashing stock prices and a bull market in gold.
Kontratiev Discovered Nothing New
Kondratieff Wave Cyles
Kondratieff Q&A
Valuation Wave Reversion
Our Stock market decline was predicted and is heading much
lower in the coming months
If one is going to obtain knowledge and wisdom as in Proverbs
chapter 2, they will have to seek it out biblically. If
one is going to seek knowledge and wisdom in the financial
markets they will have to seek it out also, but from the
right source!
One suggestion is to turn off CNBC, Lou Rukeyser, and Jim
Cramer on CNBC and his “Real Money” show on Bloomberg radio.
People who have invested by the advice of these commentators
and analysts have lost billions and these individuals are
still spouting the same hype and hyperbole that has been
wrong all along. Has anyone ever noticed also that CNBC's
show called "Morning Call" until recently, had the graphs
of every stock they followed and that the color of these
graphs were the same color green as the green arrow shown
when a stocks price is rising? Why couldn't they make the
graphs in red, yellow, orange, blue or any other color but
the same shade of the green arrow? Is this just a coincidence,
or could it be there to send a subliminal positive message
about the stock market that is deceitful to keep ones hopes
and assets in overpriced securities that are not secure?
Do you want to listen to advice on where to invest your
earnings from a station that has had analysts giving misleading
advice on the direction of the market all along and has
to use tactics like this to keep you invested? CNBC is owned
by GE, and GE doesn't make its profits if the investors
were to exit the markets into safer and more profitable
investments like gold.
I suggest for everyone who wants to know the truth on the
financial scene, that they should connect to the following
link and do their diligence in absorbing the wealth of information
there. This site was one of a few that were ahead of its
time warning of stocks being way overvalued and predicting
the stock markets drastic decline. If there was only one
website that I could recommend investors to visit for a
wealth of market information, it would be this site. By
spending a few hours reading and absorbing the editorials
and articles there, one would be more knowledgeable on the
market fundamentals than over 95% of the investing public.
They also have a two-hour weekly broadcast that wraps up
the past week of financial news and deciphers out the hype
and hyperbole giving you the straight facts and insight
on the future of the markets.
Archives of financial updates
Other Financial Links
The Dollar will fall and Gold and Silver will rise in
its place
There are many sites and articles from the experts on our
present financial state and what the future may hold in
store. I have searched out in cyberspace for those I feel
are the most experienced and honest in their presentation.
Here are a few articles to help inform those seeking truth
in our present environment of dishonesty and disinformation.
The US Dollar Bear 2
Gold Is a Political Metal
The Anti-Gold Camp's Last Big Guns
Is The Dollar Toast?
Richard Russell On the Markets & Gold
Jay Taylor
on Gold
Refuting Myths about Gold
Bank Troubles
Richard Russell on the Markets
Coming Price Explosion In Silver
SILVER - Investment Opportunity of the Decade
FSO - Silver-The Next Big Thing
Is Silver Short Or Standing Tall
Rule Change!
Silver Squeeze!
The Merits of Buying Now
The Big Picture on Silver!
Silver to Zero
The Heart of the Matter
The Smartest
Investor - This Week in Silver
Are Our Stock
And Precious Metals Markets Being Manipulated?
When someone
tells you about a worldwide conspiracy to control people
and intrude on their personal freedoms, there is a bit of
cynicism on most people to believe such a statement and
think the messenger to be either gullible or even paranoid
to make such accusations. But the definition of a conspiracy
is this: A plot; combination of persons for an evil purpose;
the act of conspiring together. With that in mind, I implore
people who seek truth to read the following articles. See
what evidence there is to substantiate the authors belief
that there is a worldwide conspiracy to manipulate American
stock markets and precious metals markets in order to keep
the status quo and keep the world economy built on fiat
money from unraveling.
Managed Markets
A Visual Measure of the Recent Selling Pressure in Gold
Cartel Smashes Bullion Right On Cue
Going on Here?
Taylor On The Markets & Gold
The Central
Banks Told Us!
money is debt and will result in a world financial crisis.
It would be impossible for me to explain in a few paragraphs
how the present world financial system of fiat money and
debt will lead to a worldwide financial crisis. This is
best left to the financial experts. Norm Franz is a biblical
economist who has an extensive background in business development.
As a former monetary economist and investment company president,
Norm is a recognized authority on money and wealth in the
new millennium. His proven biblical insights concerning
the problems facing the world's financial system have made
him a prophetic voice to business, government, and church
leaders worldwide. In this capacity, he is actively discipling
the nations on how to discern the difference between true
biblical wealth and the dishonest scales of unrighteous
mammon. His recent book, Money and Wealth in the New Millennium,
is an eye opening read and prophetic for today's world economic
situation. I strongly suggest every Christian who has any
interest in finance, the stock market, or money in general
to read his book!
Money and Wealth in the New Millennium
Why our economy
is in serious trouble!!!
Senator Sounds Alarm
on US Dollar
Japan, Then Argentina
1987 Warning Signs
The Coming Storm
Man your battle stations, this is no drill
Is a 1987-Style Scenario Taking Shape
Flight To Imbecility
Bond Massacre!
Richard Russell On the Markets/2-11
FSO Editorials: We Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet
FSO Editorials:
Our Nation In Peril
The wise are instructed by reason,
average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and
the brute by instinct...Marcus
Tullius Cicero, statesman, orator and writer (106-43 BCE)