web site was established as a place for family, friends,
acquaintances, and other Christians to be informed about
world market conditions and as a place to preserve their
capital by investing in the only form of real money,
gold and silver.
As world economic conditions
continue to deteriorate, people are wondering what to do
when they see their portfolios also deteriorating as time
goes by. Most investors have already lost the gains made
in the 90s before the stock market bubble began deflating
in 2000, and vast numbers of people have suffered substantial
Those of you who listened to our warnings
to exit the market before the bubble burst and who invested
where we directed them not only were preserved from major
losses, but also made substantial gains. Some portfolios
are up over 200 percent as compared to the Dow, S&P, and
NASDAQ, with losses up to over 60 percent. Now we see the
economies of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay collapsing like
dominoes, a record number of major U.S. companies going
bankrupt, the highest number of personal bankruptcies in
U.S. history, possible war brewing in the Middle East and
elsewhere, and the value of the dollar declining, all which
affect world markets. Where does one invest to preserve
their assets? Gold and silver!
Why Invest in Gold? God's
money is inflation proof!!!
- Gold is good. In Gen. 2:12 God declares that
gold is good because He created it. Paper money, referred
to as "your wealth" will be consumed. Also, our so-called
paper money is really made from a mixture of paper and
cloth, which is referred to as "rag." Interesting that
our righteousness is always referred to as "filthy rags"
in scripture.
- Gold is tested by fire. I Cor. 3:12
tells us that the foundation and quality of our lives
will be tested by fire. Notice gold and silver are simply
purified by fire, but wood, hay, and stubble are consumed
and loss is suffered. Need we say more?
- Gold is a sign of power and blessing. Throughout
history the ruling class has always sought to own gold
and silver because they represent purity and longevity.
Gold and silver are precious because they are scarce;
they cannot be counterfeited by man. God commanded that
the tabernacle in the OT and the New Jerusalem in the
NT were to be built of gold, not paper. (Ex. 25 & Rev.
- Gold & Silver belong to God alone. Hag. 2:8
tells us that "the silver is mine and the gold is mine
saith the Lord." This cannot be said of man's counterfeit
credit instruments which are contrary to God's commandment
that we use a just weight and measure in our transactions.
In conclusion,
silver and gold are good, pure, and long-lasting forms of
value originating with and belonging to God. We are simply
stewards of His property here on Earth.
What is the Biblical view of Gold and Silver
What is the History of Gold and Silver use
Our Founding Father's view of men, governments and money
is the world's economic system today
Investments 1-631-728-4133