dollar bills are nothing more than pieces of paper with
no value, referred to as "Federal Reserve Notes" (FRN).
A note in banking terms is considered debt. It is an IOU
that promises to repay the borrowed money according to the
terms of the note. If you take any FRN out of your wallet
and look at it, you will see that there is no promise to
pay you anything. In other words, a FRN is an "IOU
In contrast, a one-dollar "Silver Certificate"(1935 series)
clearly spelled out the terms of the contract by stating:
In 1935, a dollar was an honest weight of tangible, redeemable
silver. But today, the only thing that gives the FRN any
value is the reassuring babble on the left hand portion
of the note which states: "THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR
In conclusion, we see that since silver certificates were
removed from circulation some time ago, we no longer have
an IOU note that promises a tangible return in a form of
noted value like silver. Our certificates backed by physical
silver are now replaced by pieces of worthless paper made
out of wood and cotton. Our Federal Reserve notes today
are nothing but an IOU nothing!!! Here is a piece of information
I came across recently that pertains to money, not silver,
and I find it very interesting. It is about to how the Federal
Reserve refers to a "dollar". It is called a Federal Reserve
Accounting Unit Denomination, or FRAUD for short. It has
been said that truth is stranger than fiction and in this
case, it certainly appears so.
Our Dollar has declined about 95% in value since 1913.
I will give an example of how this affects you. In 1913,
if you tucked away $2,000, which would have been more than
a year's pay for most, it would still be $2,000 face value
but have only the buying power of about $100 in today's
purchasing power compared to that of 1913 due to inflation
and the depreciating value of our dollar. Another way of
looking at it would be that what $100 bought back in 1913
takes around $2,000 today to purchase. So it would be safe
to say that our dollar is worth less than it was back then
and someday it may be worthless. All fiat currencies
eventually reach their intrinsic value of zero!!! If
you were to open up a CD at your local bank paying around
1.5% annually, you would be losing around 1.5% a
year on your money due to just a low 3% rate of inflation.
Now, if you had taken that same $2,000 in 1913 and bought
gold, the value of your money today would be worth over
$33,000 at today's historically low gold price. The
price of saving in fiat dollars? You do the math.
Are you trusting in worthless fiat paper or protecting
yourself with gold? The smart money is trading
in fiat paper and buying gold as the dollar collapses. What
are you doing?
Use the CPI Inflation Calculator and see how your
money is depreciating!
CPI Inflation
When money
suffers depreciations and devaluations it invites government
price and wage controls….. and many other governmental restrictions
on individual activities. Monetary destruction breeds not
only poverty and chaos, but also government tyranny. Few
policies are more calculated to destroy the existing basis
of a free society than the debauching of its currency. And
few tasks, if any, are more important to the champion of
freedom than creation of a sound monetary system."
Hans Sennholz, Austrian economist
"Lenin is
certainly right. There is no subtler or more severe means
of overturning the existing basis of society (destroy capitalism)
than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the
hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction,
and it does it in a manner which not one man in a million
is able to diagnose."
-- John Marnard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the
"Money is the most important subject intellectual persons
can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that
our present civilization may collapse unless it is widely
understood and its defects remedied very soon."
--Robert H. Hemphill, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
"Too much paper has been printed in the
past, and will have to be wiped out no
matter what." James Dines
- The Dines Letter
"It will be hard for people to believe
this but, via inflation, their own government did them in.
Practically on a daily basis in 1974 people saw rising prices
in grocery stores, as they received fewer goods for their
dollars. A full-fledged panic away from paper money could
start" James Dines - The Dines Letter
"People say gold is useless. Not true.
It is demonstrating its function right now. Gold is the
ballast for the printing press used in making paper money,
and gold relentlessly punishes offenders" James
Dines - The Dines Letter
"It's dawning on many people that to
defend the dollar, U.S interest rates will have to go up;
else, money will be transferred from the U.S to England
to take advantage of higher interest rates, and a dollar
crisis would ensue. However, if interest rates go up, this
might choke off the boom in our economy. What a dilemma!"
James Dines
Below are some articles to better
explain the folly of fiat money.
The Sheeple's Fiat Currency..
Ripping Off The Poor - Inflation
Bubble Blower
The Beginning of the End for the Dollar
Fundamentals of the Dollar
Please Define Dollar
Gold vs. The Dollar
Twilight of the United States Dollar
Long Bond Mystery
than walking the streets of South Central LA, or North Philly.
The buck may be used as the measuring stick of our wealth,
profits, and prices, but eventually the sham will be discovered
by more and more of the populace. You simply cannot fool
all of the people all of the time. In Germany, once the
Reichsmark presses really got into overdrive, and in America
three times already, more and more people got wise, and
got out of those currencies. They saved themselves and their
kin, by doing it. They knew they had better buy something.
Anything, because the price would be higher next month,
next week, tomorrow, or in a couple of hours, as the procedure
followed all of known history. Some are going to the euro
now, but this is just another printing press product. All
currencies in the entire world, are printing press products,
and have no value other than temporarily. As more and more
get wise and cash in, the process increases in velocity,
and the process feeds on itself, till the currency is only
good for starting fires or taking to the outhouse. Avoid
the rush, and get out and into something tangible. I can't
change history, and I can't stop the politicos from debauching
their own currency. They all follow recorded history, and
all are doomed to not learn from it, but repeat it. Will
you be a victim? Like the majority, who usually are wrong?
Protect yourself.
Listen here for an audio broadcast by Dr. Larry Parks
on the corruptness of our fiat money system.
FSO Interview of Dr. Larry Parks
Visit Dr.Larry Parks' site -
Notable Quotes on Money
What the President should know
Corporate Christianomics
True Wealth For Christians
How to protect yourself from the
coming Dollar collapse!!!
The Nature of Money
Turn Lead Into Gold
Insane! $160,000 Gold!
Silver Investor - This Week in Silver